Story of the unclaimed shares of an Air India Captain

A well-known physician from Bangalore, Karnataka, invested in shares with several companies in the early 1960s, which were worth Rs 3,000-5,000 at the time. He had a son who was an Air India pilot. After the physician's death in 1970, the family moved out of Bangalore. Neither the son nor any of his relatives were aware of the shares purchased by the physician.
In 2020, Share Claimers began searching for the lost beneficiary (the Air India pilot) in order to assist him in recovering his unclaimed shares. Our team started the search in Bangalore, where the family had originally lived. After a year of searching and research, we were finally able to track down the family.

Our team learned about the family through their old neighbors in Bangalore. We found the name of the Air India Captain, and with this lead, we investigated his whereabouts at the Air India office. We found a 75-year-old retired captain who was training aspiring pilots in Mumbai. He had settled there with his family.
Once we successfully tracked down the family, our team contacted the retired Air India captain to inform him about the unclaimed shares. We flew all the way to Mumbai to discuss his hidden wealth and help him recover the shares. In 2020, the unclaimed shares were worth 5 crores, which were successfully claimed with the expertise of the Share Claimers team.

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